It's perfect.
It's unbelievable.
It's a miracle
It's a TV dinner.
It's Fuwjax.

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I remember the night I asked you about the tattoo on your neck. I thought you had, in a burst of nerd inspiration, somehow managed the perfect mashup between the Illuminati trilogy and the Hitchhiker’s trilogy. I could never have imagined how much more impressive the truth would be.

I have since learned that you have a deep passion that infects your work, your friendships, and just about everything in your life. That passion pours out of you constantly, from your snarky quips to your vast knowledge of all things alcoholic. It is evident in your tattoos, and in your unconscious flailing while recounting stories of the many times some random idiot from the clone army demonstrated their mastery of the narcissistic arts.

So now, as you move on to greater and greener pastures, it’s easy to believe you’re making the right choice. You are the sort of person driven to create, to transform, to communicate your passion to the world. On this, your last night, please accept my most sincere and moderately humble thanks for all your service and for the peek these past few months into the deep well that lives in you where most folks just have a heart.

Posted with : Offering